Get Involved! Join a Committee!

Joining one of our committees is a great way to get involved in the chapter! As a committee member, you will have the opportunity to provide suggestions and input regarding chapter events and activities. Through your active participation, you will also contribute to the growth and future success of the chapter. For more information, click the envelope below to contact the chairperson.

Dr. Irish Spencer


Committee Co-Chairs:  Irish Spencer, Michelle Ballard

Description: The committee is responsible for working with the Office of Alumni Relations to submit nominees for various awards as needed; develops and maintains chapter award programs; and manages the Chapter Alumni Spotlight program.


Community Service

Committee Chair: Sandra Evans

Description: This committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and executing such projects as deemed necessary and approved by the chapter that involves alumni working with the local community in a volunteer capacity.



Committee Chair: Shawana Torrence

Description: Each election year, the Chapter President shall appoint a Nominating Committee Chairperson at the January meeting, with instructions to submit candidates’ names at the March meeting, prior to the April election.



Committee Co-Chair: Ashley Wade, Samiya Purviss

Description: The committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing all social events sponsored by the chapter. These events should be designed to maximize interest and involvement in the chapter.


Social Media & Communications

Committee Co-Chairs: Sasha Campbell, Darrin Wright

Description: This committee is responsible for managing the chapter’s social media presence, press releases, PSAs, etc. regarding chapter events by ensuring compliance with the Office of Alumni Relations guidelines. In addition, this committee maintains the chapter website.


Young Alumni

Committee Co-Chairs: Todd  Porter, Sasha Campbell

Description: This committee, working in conjunction with the Young Alumni Council, is responsible for planning special activities and programs for those alumni who are 40 years old and under.